Hi, I'm Gavin - Health & Wellbeing Copywriter
About me -
Gavin Williams.
Health and Wellbeing copywriter

Hey there, I'm Gavin, a copywriter and clinical specialist physiotherapist in Nottingham, UK.
I write to enable health & wellness businesses to increase their impact and their revenue.
If you offer a product or service that improves the lives of others, then you’re the sort of business I’d love to work with.
Keep reading to find out exactly how I can help you.
My Story
I turned pro in 2010. But not as a copywriter…not at that point.
That’s the year I graduated from University as a Physiotherapist. Then I became a specialist in Neurological physiotherapy.
I’ve been fortunate enough to help countless people who’ve had problems with their physical, mental, and emotional health.
People with these conditions have had their lives changed forever - I’ve made it my duty to give them the best they deserve.
But you’re on my copywriting website, right? So let me tell you more…
You see a few years ago I decided that I wanted to change the direction and scale of how I help others.
My physiotherapy expertise helps people on a one-to-one basis.
But through writing I can help many people at once.
I know the problems people face and I know the answers they’re searching for.
I know the questions they ask, and I know how to connect with them.
For a decade and a half, I’ve been writing to communicate with my client groups – the patients themselves, their concerned families, and carers. As well as doctors, equipment suppliers, financial managers, social organisations, and charities.
All with a focus on clear and effective communication to achieve a goal.
My words have already made an impact.
I turned my attention to skill-stacking.
As health professionals, we’re already fantastic communicators, organisers, and problem-solvers.
We diagnose the problem, and we apply the solution.
But I wanted more.
I became relentless in my study of marketing, and the strategies and psychology of copy and content writing. Course after course, day after day. Always looking to improve.
Not only that…
Since 2020 I’ve been writing and producing a self-help podcast focusing on resilience, self-care and social kindness. You can check that out here: The Stoic Moment Podcast.
There are many copywriters out there but very few who truly have current first-hand experience of the clients they serve.
Like I do.
I still practice as a specialist neurological physiotherapist each week. With my finger directly on the pulse (pun intended) of modern-day health & wellbeing.
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It’s good to know who you’re working with
I reckon we’ll get on just fine.
…so, if you’re still reading, then here’s a bit more about the real me (don’t worry, there’s not a quiz at the end)
Before qualifying as a Physiotherapist in 2010 I did another degree. I got my BA in Sociology & Anthropology (basically, the study of social behaviours and culture). Although I loved studying this, I didn’t think it was my calling.
So, onwards I went…
UK National champion martial artist in 2016, placing Gold in all disciplines.
Founder and creator of a self-improvement philosophy podcast called the Stoic Moment Podcast. Here’s some of the stats from last year (taken from Spotify)
Climbing enthusiast – I love bouldering! Hanging off a bit of rock is my happy place.
I love exercise - the gym, running and yoga are all part of my weekly routine
Daily meditator – because it feels so damn good
…and finally, booklover! Mainly non-fiction with a sprinkling of fiction to keep my imagination sharp. I. LOVE. BOOKS.
So if you want to discuss a project…or just talk about your favourite books, podcasts or hobbies, then just fill out the short form below